
CN Celebrates Back to Back 100% Licensure Success

The College of Nursing hosted a testimonial dinner last December 14 at the Primera Function Hall in honor of the 2019 Nursing Licensure Exam passers.

This event is dedicated to the passers for clutching the Back-to-Back 100% passing rate and the people behind their triumphs in the board exams.

Dr. Nathalie S. Nadela, RN. MN-CN Dean welcomed the honorees, parents and visitors. The school president, Fr. Jonathan R. Domingo, OMI inspired the passers to be the best nurses as they can be.

CN Celebrates Back to Back 100% Licensure Success

The College of Nursing hosted a testimonial dinner last December 14 at the Primera Function Hall in honor of the 2019 Nursing Licensure Exam passers.

This event is dedicated to the passers for clutching the Back-to-Back 100% passing rate and the people behind their triumphs in the board exams.

Dr. Nathalie S. Nadela, RN. MN-CN Dean welcomed the honorees, parents and visitors. The school president, Fr. Jonathan R. Domingo, OMI inspired the passers to be the best nurses as they can be.

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